Hello there!
I'm a Trance, Techno and occasionally House music producer coming from England.
Most (if not all) of my works focus on recreating the 90's rave scene 1990-1995 era and creating unique synthesizer sounds to trip too. Anything from full-on hardtrance to slow and hypnotizing tracks can be found here.
Newgrounds is an old site I remember from back in the day and I've finally decided to share a few of my tracks here and give back to the community.
You can follow the links in my profile to the left <<< or stick around and I'll upload more tracks over time, (My Soundcloud page is almost full and Newsgrounds always copyright strike my uploads making them a little slow to upload,) but hey! patience is a virtue and I don't want to dump everything here all at once.
Heck I've even tried to set up a torrent or two to spread the tunes around :)
They're free to use however you see fit. As long as someone out there is enjoying them I'm happy :)
So, jump on in, follow me through my guaranteed disaster at trying to fit in easily, and I hope you enjoy the tunes!